Sunday, June 27, 2010


School: Woodlands Secondary School

Class: 3A - 2010

Members: Jasmine Kerk, Chia Jun Jie

Aim: To showcase the products and research found, and also to inform readers the usefulness of the five chosen substances in our daily lives.

5 Chosen Substances:
1) Acid - Folic Acid
2) Acid - Citric Acid
3) Base - Potassium Hydroxide
4) Salts - Sodium Benzoate
5) Salts - Mono-sodium Glutamate

Thursday, June 24, 2010

1) Acid: Folic Acid

Folic acid is the chosen substance. It has the formula of C19H19N7O6. Folic acid is used for baking and can be found in bakery products in daily life. "Betty Crocker Muffin Mix" in the mart is one product that contains folic acid, and uses it for baking.

Folic acid is also used as an addictive in food, generally in fortified grain products, such as bread and pasta. There is presence of folic acid in "Kellogg's Special K Cereal" product too which can be found in the mart, and uses it as an addictive in the cereal.

2) Acid: Citric Acid

Citric acid is the chosen substance. It has the formula of C6H8O7. Citric acid is usually found in fruits that are slightly sour,for example, orange and lemon. ''Orange Squash 2 litres can drink'' is one product that contains citric acid.

Citric acid can also be found in drinks. It is commonly used in bottle drinks. There is presence of citric acid in ''Yeo's Ice Peach Tea'' product which can be found in the mart.

3) Base: Potassium Hydroxide

Potassium Hydroxide is the chosen substance. It has the formula of KOH. Potassium Hydroxide is used for cleaning in cleaning products. "Dettol shampoo" in the mart is one product that contains potassium hydroxide.

Things to share:

Another example of cleaning product is soap. The saponification of fats with KOH is used to prepare the corresponding "potassium soaps" which are softer than the more common sodium hydroxide-derived soaps. Because of their softness and greater solubility, potassium soaps require less water to liquefy, and can thus contain more cleaning agent than liquefied sodium soaps.

Potassium Hydroxide is also used as a cleansing agent in cosmetic, facial cleanser and moisturizer. There is presence of potassium hydroxide in "Garnier facial cleanser" product too which can be found in the mart, and uses it as a cleansing agent.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

4) Salts: Sodium Benzoate

Sodium benzoate is the chosen substance. It has the formula NaC6H5CO2. Sodium benzoate is used as a preservative in daily life. ''Delicious Preserved Vegetable'' in the mart is one product that contains sodium benzoate, and uses it as a preservative.

Sodium benzoate is also used to bring out the taste of the food for flavouring and marinating. One of the products which sodium benzoate is presented is "Dark Soy Sauce" which can be found in the mart. Sodium Benzoate is used most prevalently in acidic foods such as condiments.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

5) Salts: Mono-sodium Glutamate

Mono-sodium Glutamate is the chosen substance. It has the formula of C5H8NNaO4. Mono-sodium glutamate is used as a food addictive for soup and in dishes-cooking. "Aji-no-moto" in the mart is one product that contains mono-sodium glutamate, and uses it to bring out the taste of food and makes it tastier.

Mono-sodium glutamate also used as food preservative in some processed food too. There is presence of mono-sodium glutamate in "Yu Lei Crispy Shoots" product which can be found in the mart.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Jun Jie:

Through this project, I have learnt that there are many substances that can actually be found in our daily use products in our daily lives. Different substances can only be found in certain products, such as sodium bicarbonate is found in bakery products and potassium hydroxide is found in cleansing products. Besides, every substances has its unique properties and uses that are different from others which we cannot learn during lesson. Thus, I think that this project is very meaningful and fruitful to me which leads me to have a better general ideas of all different substances. Apart from that, this project encourages well cooperation and dicussion too which helps to enhance better relationship between classmates. I really enjoy this project very much! :)

I have learned a lot through this project.There are some thing that can't be learned from textbook.For instance,team work is one of them. Not to my realisation that there are presence of acids,salt and bases presence in so many daily products.Also,my partner and i get to learn more varity of acids,bases and salts.I find that it was a very innovative way of learning too. Never have i thought that I can learn something from the supermarket.Last but not least, I really enjoyed doing this project as it was somthing unusual!:)